Infinity SEO Founder

About Infinity SEO's Founder

Leann Land founded ePura, an e-commerce development and design company, in 1996, with a focus on emerging markets and small businesses in particular. Leann helped countless businesses build their websites, develop product databases, and sell their products online. She assisted a Fortune 1000 company, Thompson Media, known today as Thompson Reuters, with its initial efforts to sell publications online.

As more businesses built websites, Leann began helping small companies maintain their websites and promote their products and businesses using digital marketing methods such as email marketing, social media, and search engine optimization, commonly known as SEO. Leann now primarily focuses on SEO. SEO is the most valuable marketing tool for any business with an online presence. With this change in focus comes a new name for my company, Infinity SEO.

Infinity SEO will be focused on helping small businesses improve their online visibility and success. We offer audits, consulting, and contract SEO services.

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